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Stepney City Farm re-opens for visitors

IT’S A CASE OF come and talk to the animals (and listen to what they have to say too, of course) at Stepney City Farm – for the first time in around five months. And don’t forget the plants, who need a visit from you too.

The Farm will open on 8th September and will then be open to visitors from 10am to 4pm from Tuesday to Sunday (inclusive) each week. On Saturdays there will also be a Farmer’s Market.

Measures have been put in place to ensure visitors are safe. You won’t need to book in advance, but staff will count visitors in and out to ensure the Farm does not get overcrowded and there is space to implement social distancing.

Staff will also ensure that if there is a (socially distanced) queue to get in, those already in the Farm keep moving around to avoid the Farm becoming overcrowded. Regular visitors may be used to coming down to the Farm to spend the afternoon sitting in the sun, but this may not be possible if other visitors are waiting for a turn.

Visitors will be welcome to look at and watch the animals but are asked not to feed them or touch them.  This is not to protect the animals as such – the main reason for the restriction is to prevent cross contamination between visitors and between visitors and keepers. If your little one is a frequent visitor, they may be looking forward to playing on the ride-on toys – but, for the moment, the toys remain in storage.

The Farm has managed to provide its plant-based and animal residents with a home throughout the lockdown, but it welcomes donations of cash from visitors. Visitors or those who wish to support the Farm but cannot visit in person may donate by card over the Farm website.

Clare Hawkinds, Stepney City Farm’s Chief Executive, has spoken out to acknowledge those who have supported the farm financially over the last months, keeping animals and plants safe during the lockdown.

“We would like to say a huge thank you to City Bridge Trust as part of the London Funders consortium for making our reopening possible with funding for additional staff over the next 6 months,” she said, “and also a huge thank you to all those in the local and wider community who have supported us through lockdown. We hope you have stayed safe and well, and we can’t wait to welcome you back to the Farm.”

For more information about Stepney City Farm go to:
Stepney City Farm

•Read more of our stories about Stepney City Farm:
Stepney City Farm

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