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Thought for today 23.06.20

#BlackLivesMatter This month we shall be recording responses made to the killing of George Floyd on 25th May. Too many black people have died at the hands of state racism, institutional racism – and individual racism stoked by the first two.  We can all work together to turn the tide of racism. It will be a long and difficult struggle – but George Floyd’s death has brought many young people into that fight. We may yet change the world. Should we name 25th May as George Floyd day, to ensure that we never forget?

Some parts of the establishment look at the lively Black Lives Matter protest and tut – but they have to acknowledge that polite protest hasn’t brought about the recognition of racism in white society that recent protests have achieved. The establishment only has itself to blame if things have gone beyond their comfort zones, for not recognising that black people and anti-racists would not go away.

“Every successful social movement in this country’s history has used disruption as a strategy to fight for social change.”
Alicia Garza, Co-Founder, Black Lives Matter

●Read more about it:
Thought for today
The Thames Today

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