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The top table gathers for the Council meeting.

Tower Hamlets Council opens in good spirits

THERE WAS a `businesslike start to the January meeting of Tower Hamlets Council on what was a cold winter’s night. Inside the Chamber, all was somber, with almost everyone dressed in dark colours. Only the Speaker introduced a splash of colour, with his red robes.

His garb made it all the easier to see him as he lost his way on his journey to his seat (someone had put the officers’ table too close to the front desk for him to get through). Of course the Speaker has lost his way politically too: elected as an Aspire councillor, he has since wandered off into the political wilderness and now sits as an “independent” (the name usually adopted by the politically bewildered [PB]). Three other non-aligned PB councillors sat forlornly on the “ungrouped” bench, next to the Green and the Tories, like little sheep who could not find their mums (or purpose in life).

The Speaker wished everyone a Happy New Year and told everyone about some events he had been to since the last Council meeting. This included his recent visit to Bangladesh, where he had met some members of the new regime and their supporters. As he detailed his busy schedule in Bangladesh, some member of the audience were clearly hoping he wouldn’t go again – or, if he did, if he could just send us a postcard with the highlights.

The people the Speaker had met in Bangladesh sent us their regards, he said – which the Speaker thought deserved applause. The public dutifully clapped as requested. Twice. The Speaker mentioned how the very good name which the Borough of Tower Hamlets had in Bangladesh was very much down to the hard work of Mayor Lutfur Rahman. He fell short of asking the public to applaud the Mayor. Oh well. Maybe next time.

The Speaker then mentioned the death of former Lib-Dem Councillor Ray Gipson. Cllr Peter Golds spoke in praise of Cllr Gipson’s work on the Council. He recalled that when he lost his Council seat, Mr Gipson had set up a men’s group, for the Bow Geezers, and a companion women’s group, the Bow Belles. How things have changed over the last two decades.

Everyone stood for a minute’s silence.

Cllr Marc Francis was not present and was therefore not able to speak about the councillor whose seat he had taken from him in 2006. It was left to Cllr Abdal Ullah to speak in praise of the late Cllr Gipson – without recalling the issues Cllr Ullah’s party had had with Cllr Gipson’s party, of course. Cllr Ohid Ahmed then revealed that he, too, could remember Cllr Gipson. The Deputy Mayor then extended his condolences and a minute’s silence was held. These initial formalities took up just over 20 minutes.

The meeting then went on to celebrate the Ofsted result. There were no public petitions, and the meeting then began dealing with the rest of the agenda.

Watch the January Council meeting:
Council webcast

Read more about it:
Stories about Tower Hamlets Council


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