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Home / Crime / Tower Hamlets drug feud lands four with 70 years jail
Sallah Uddin Ali, the man with the grudge, and his three henchmen

Tower Hamlets drug feud lands four with 70 years jail

FOUR YOUNG men have brought disgrace to the East End with their violent response to being caught out using unlawful drugs.

The story
It all began nearly a year ago. On 1st June 2018 Sallah Ali of Bigland Street was stopped by police in the street and searched for drugs. Ali protested to the officers, mouthing off about having been set up. Shortly afterwards, Ali phoned two acquaintances – Alomgir Shahriyar of Comptom Avenue, E6 and Mohammed Habib Ali, or Shadwell Gardens – and together they planned revenge.

Later that afternoon, Ali phoned the man he thought had set him up and arranged to see him. They met up in Cable Street at around 6pm. As they came face to face, Shahriyar, Md Ali and Shakeel Chowdhury of Jeremiah Road, E14 appeared. The man they were meeting immediately felt suspicious – with cause, as Sallah Ali’s three henchmen began stabbing the victim, until he collapsed from multiple wounds.

A passer by saw the incident, recognised the incident – and called the emergency services and the victim’s brother. The assailants left the scene in a minicab. Later on they phoned the victim’s family: Md Ali admitted to them that he had done some of the stabbing – and the others threatened the family not to contact police.

The guilty men
Three of the men were found guilty of attempted murder and GBH with intent.

Alomgir Shahriyar

•Alomgir Shahriyar, 23, of Compton Avenue, E6, was jailed for 24 years plus four years on extended license.

Mohammed Habib Ali

Mohammed Habib Ali, 23, of Shadwell Gardens, E1, was jailed for 23 and a half years plus four years on extended license.

Shakeel Chowdhury

•Shakeel Chowdhury, 22, of Jeremiah Road, E14, was jailed for 22 years plus three years on extended license.

Sallah Ali

A fourth man – Sallah Uddin Ali 19 of Bigland Street, E1 – was found guilty of GBH (wounding with intent) for his part in the attack and sentenced to ten years imprisonment in a Young Offenders Institute.

What the police said
Detective Constable Megan Bushell of the Central East Command Unit said,This was a shocking attack in the middle of a busy street in broad daylight. The victim received multiple stab wounds and, according to the surgeon who operated on him, if he had arrived at hospital seconds later he would have died. He has received injuries that will stay with him for life, leaving him no longer able to walk.

“Violence has no place on our streets. I hope these convictions send a strong message that it will not be tolerated and those responsible will be arrested and put before the courts.”

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