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Trump takes a step towards World War 3

THE US HAS bombed Syria. UK and French forces have joined in. The three claimed that this was a punishment of the Syrian Government for allegedly using chemical weapons in an attack on its own population in Douma.

The three nations claim they have bombed three sites in Syria – and that all are military targets. The US has said that bombs hit a research unit in the Syrian capital, Damascus which had a role in the production of chemical and biological weapons, as well as two chemical weapons storage facilities near the city of Homs, one of which was a command post too.

Syrian state TV admitted that the research unit had been damaged but said that the Syrian military had been able to shoot down over a dozen incoming missiles.

Syrian military sources claimed that more locations had been hit. These included random sites around Damascus as well as military sites in the Dimas area, the Qasyoun hills and eastern Qulamoun – and another science facility in Msyaf. They also claimed that an Iranian base under construction near Kiwah had been hit.

US President Donald Trump issued a statement from the White House at 9pm local time (2am BST) saying, “The nations of Britain, France, and the United States of America have marshalled their righteous power against barbarism and brutality. The purpose of our actions tonight is to establish a strong deterrent against the production, spread, and use of chemical weapons.

He did not explain how or why bombing parts of Syria would stop the Government using chemical weapons in rebel-controlled areas. Nor did he explain what would stop Russia retaliating, on behalf of President Assad. Nor did he explain what he would do if Russia attacked the US ships currently stationed in the Mediterranean which are thought to have fired some of the missiles.

Trump also said that the action would continue until Syria stopped using chemical weapons. However, his Secretary of Defence, James Mattis, referred to last night’s action as a “one time shot”.

The Russian Ministry of Defence issued a statement saying that preliminary assessments were that there were no casualties caused by the bombing. There were later reports that three civilians had been injured during the course of the attacks on Homs.

As usual, President Trump gave his verdict on the night’s events on Twitter: “Mission Accomplished,” he tweeted – with no hint that he was planning for any retaliation.

•Read more about it:
Corbyn opposes May backing for Trump warmongering
Iftar 1k campaign launched for Syria


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