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UEL Bangladeshi Graduates get together

THE UNIVERSITY OF EAST LONDON (UEL) Bangladesh Alumni Network UK held its annual London event at its Stratford campus on 20th November. This was an engaging and encouraging event which brought UEL graduates of Bangladeshi ethnicity, their families and friends together. All the major Bangladeshi community TV channels covered the event.

Officiating at the ceremony, Kamile Hudson, Senior Alumni Advancement Officer at UEL, emphasised the significance of the Alumni network and the importance of connecting with the University. She praised the efforts made by the organising committee in bringing together alumni from across the spectrum of disciplines and ensuring its Bangladeshi ex-students remain connected to their roots.

Ms Kamile stated in the future the university will be exploring ways in which the network can further expand its offerings with the aim of holding its first alumni event in Bangladesh, in co-operation with the UEL Bangladesh Alumni Network (UELBAN).

She also handed a token of appreciation to Mr Shahadat Munna for his significant contribution to the Higher Education sector in the UK. Mr Munna’s college previously ran a UEL partnership programme through which 500 Bangladeshi students graduated from the university. Kazi Jasim Uddin received a token of appreciation for his contribution to cultural activities.

Dr Syed Ali Tarek, President of the Bangladesh Alumni Network, emphasised the connectivity and the importance of networking and collaboration as a way forward. Bangladeshi Alumni from the UEL have been contributing in the UK through their services in public, private and not for profit sectors. Dr Syed exemplified how Bangladeshi graduates of UEL can inspire students from ethnic minority communities. He said the vision of the Network is to offer various programmes in the coming years which will enable the Bangladeshi Alumni of UEL to stay connected. He said a summer music festival is on the cards, and the committee is committed to achieving this target in 2018.

Guest speaker Mr Shahadat Munna promised that he would give strategic direction to the Alumni Network so that it reaches a wider audience, many of whom will be UEL alumni. Vice President Tojo Hossain shared his thoughts on how he has seen a once small group of graduates grow into a vast network. He stressed that the numbers are continuously increasing, and it is about time for this alumni network to become the leading UK university regional alumni association.

An art competition was also held, which was open to kids of all ages. In total 15 junior artists took part in the competition. The judges declared Sajid Mohammed Aadheen and Shaelyn Rayna as the winners of the art competition. Nubaid Abdullah was the runner-up in the competition. All the junior artists were extremely pleased to be a part of the event.

The event was further lightened up by community champion singers like Saida Tani, who is best known for her folk, soulful, spiritual and unique style of singing and performance and who was followed by Pretom Saha and Tanim Ahmed. UEL alumnus Kazi Jasim Uddin also performed a few songs in response to public demand. He has composed the UEL Bangladesh Alumni Network’s theme song, which was performed at the end of the event. A captivating two and half hours of musical extravaganza ensured the event was an engaging one for everyone present.

A drinks reception, with lunch, was held at the venue, and a raffle followed this. UELBAN Secretary, Shaha Riadh, and Treasurer, M Ershad U Bahar, ensured there was a full house for the programme. Ayaz Karim, Head of Public Relations and Corporate Communications co-ordinated the event and ensured the programme run smoothly. The event concluded with a photoshoot with all the members of the UEL Bangladesh Alumni Network (UELBAN).

•Read more about it:
UEL Alumni Network event for Bangladeshi graduates
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