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UK Bangladeshi Golf Society steps up a gear

Emdad Rahman

THE UK BANGLADESHI Golf Society (UKBGS) has grown from humble beginnings to boast 50 members, 31 of whom took part in the Society’s second tournament, held at Woolston Manor Golf and Country Club in Chigwell, Essex.

golf 2Nurul Hoque, President of the Society, said: “The UK Bangladeshi Golf Society is the first and only golf society catering for the Bangladeshi community throughout the UK. We hope that the fun spirit and social aspects of the game will encourage more from within the Bangladeshi community to take up golf. This includes the younger generation.”

The day culminated in a dinner and an awards ceremony for the participants. Among the awards was a prize for Tournament Rookie, taken by Reyan Majumder of Hayes, who has been playing golf for only several months. The overall winner was seasoned player Jamal Rahman of Reading.

The next event will be the “Rookies Cup” and will be taking place at David Lloyd Golf. The event consists of a lesson with a professional and a nine-hole tournament. It is specifically tailored to beginners and society rookies.

The UKBGS encourages more of the community to reach out and express interest in taking up golf. For more information please go to:

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