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Volunteers join hands to deliver a Sweet Eid

Emdad Rahman

LOCAL COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS – the majority being children – joined forces, while fasting 18 hours during Ramadan, to pack bags of sweets for children.

sweet 2Sweet Eid is a pioneering, not-for-profit, community project initiated by a group of young British professionals. The idea behind Sweet Eid is to make Eid, a festival celebrated by over 1.6 billion Muslims from across the world, engaging and memorable for children and their families.

Volunteer Zain Luqman Miah commented, “Through our humble efforts if we can make at least one child smile, laugh or happy on Eid through our project then we feel like we have fulfilled our mission. Our vision is to see the peace, love and spirit of Eid spread through to communities across the UK and beyond. We believe this project has truly global reach and can bring a smile to millions of children across the globe.”

The biannual event, sponsored by the National Zakat Foundation, was inspired by one of the co- founders who spent his childhood in the United Arab Emirates. He recalled how Eid was the day on the calendar he looked forward to the most, as he would receive an abundance of sweets, gifts and money, attend events catered to children and their families and enjoy himself.”

This sparked a discussion among a group of friends who were determined to replicate the excitement and buzz that children experience. On the day of Eid, gift bags of sweets, balloons (modelled into hats, swords and flowers) and Eid cards are distributed outside mosques, parks and community centres – bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of children and adults too.

sweet 3Community activist Khoyrul Shaheed added, “Since this project’s humble beginning in 2013, Sweet Eid has gone from strength to strength and their dedicated team has mobilised a support network of volunteers, charities, private sector organisations, mosques and community centres that have underpinned their success and growth.”

As a result, Sweet Eid has been active in over 35 locations across the UK and beyond, distributing more than 75,000 Sweet Eid gift bags and modelled balloons to tens of thousands of children (and a few adults as well) in cities such as Preston, Manchester, Coventry, High Wycombe and Kent.

In 2017, the team distributed gift bags and balloons to the victims of Grenfell Tower and the surrounding community. Further afield, sweet gift bags have been distributed in Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and Turkey.

Editor’s note: East London News is proud to have had volunteers at the event.
We wish our readers a fruitful Ramadan and Eid Mubarak!

•Read more about it:
Youngsters donate Eid gifts
Eid Smiles 2017 launched at House of Lords


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