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Yemen health threat as rainy season looms

THREE YEARS INTO a protracted civil war, Yemen is facing another rainy season. Refugees trying to survive in makeshift shelters will face a new round of challenges – and a greater threat of disease.

It is estimated that there are over 20 million people relying on humanitarian aid. The scale of the problem – and the lack of a commensurate gobal response – have left many of them without proper shelter, food or necessary medical treatment.

Levels of malnourishment are rising, which will make it all the harder for the beleaguered population to resist the expected onslaught from water-bourne disease. Children will find it particularly hard to resist disease and to pull through when they fall ill.

Cholera broke out in Yemen in 2016. So far, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has managed to contain the spread of the disease, but it has warned that the incidence of cholera is likely to increase – possibly to epidemic proportions – once the rains come.

Infrastructure has been destroyed – and without sanitation, cholera will spread. The country’s health service has, similarly, all but collapsed – so anyone who does fall ill will find it hard to get treatment. Thousands may die from a preventable and treatable disease as the world stands by – failing to change the conditions which will see it spread or to provide the drugs and medics that could treat those suffering from it.

Representatives of the charity Human Appeal were working in Yemen before conflict broke out in 2014. As the crisis grew, those workers have remained, giving what assistance they can. Initially they concentrated on supporting provision of clean water, but late last year the charity began working with the WHO to improve healthcare facilities.

The charity is also supporting 600 vulnerable orphans in Sanaa by ensuring they can access education. As well as fulfilling an immediate need, this work is seen as investing in the future of the country.

To support this work and help save lives, Human Aid is encouraging people to donate to its Yemen Emergency Fund.

Donate here:
Yemen Emergency Fund

•Read more about it:
Yemen: the tragedy continues
Human Appeal pledges $1 million for Yemen


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