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Youngsters donate Eid gifts

Tower Hamlets volunteers offer gifts to orphans and young people in care

Emdad Rahman

With Ramadan coming to an end for this year, a team of volunteers from 13 Rivers Trust and Eden Care from east London have used the spirit of togetherness to carry out important community work and reach out to needy young people.

The group from the Trust had spent the last few days putting together gift packs for children in care. The contents of gifts included; sweets, colouring books, gift vouchers, Eid cards and various fun items. Today, the gift bags were delivered to Tower Hamlets Social Care team.

Social Worker Abu Mumin of 13 Rivers Trust said, “Ramadan is a month of perspective for us all. We are using this as a springboard to inspire everyone to carry out small acts of kindness. These are some of the most vulnerable amongst us and it is our collective responsibility to support them.”

Volunteer Nazrin Husaain added, “It’s been really emotional. We loved putting the packs together and it’s a great feeling to know that there will be a smile on some children’s faces after they receive these small gifts.”

For more information about Eden Care, go to:




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