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Thought for today 22.04.20

22ND APRIL 2020 was the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lenin – a man who often gets a bad press. However, he did stand up for the people: this to the extent that he led the masses to oust ...

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Thought for today 21.04.20

IF THIS IS the case, what’s wrong with these men, then? Why is it that when they are together, they lose the capacity for rational thought and get carried away to war? Maybe Something Should Be Done about it.  In ...

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Thought for today 20.04.20

THIS TETCHY QUOTE didn’t quite make it into the US Declaration of Independence. Fortunately, someone rescued it from the cutting room floor so that we can remember how strong the pressure from warmongers is to keep up hostilies. Ironically, Jefferson ...

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Thought for today 19.04.20

THE MORE YOU think about peace, the more you realise what an important concept it is – because it is the other side of the coin of freedom. It is only when we accept the universal human right to an ...

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Thought for today 18.04.20

THERE’S NO quick fixes when it comes to campaigning for peace, not war. It’s a cause which must be built into campaigning for all sorts of national and international demands.  In April, we remember the anti-nuclear weapons Aldermaston march: our ...

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Thought for today 17.04.20

IT’S HARD to argue with this argument about how we fight for the cause of peace.  In April, we remember the anti-nuclear weapons Aldermaston march: our “Thoughts” this month will concentrate on aspects of peace. “Peace is not merely a ...

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Thought for today 16.04.20

THERE’S NO such thing as an armchair peace activist. It’s up to the people to impose it on our wayward leaders.  In April, we remember the anti-nuclear weapons Aldermaston march: our “Thoughts” this month will concentrate on aspects of peace. ...

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Thought for today 15.04.20

PEACE ACTIVISTS campaign against all wars. Here Noam Chomsky reminds us of a very recent war – and what may be its historical parallels. Will we ever get the truth about how the invasion of Iraq began? In April, we ...

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Thought for today 14.04.20

PEACE is often linked, as a political demand, with other causes – especially fundamental human rights and the battle for equality. In April, we remember the anti-nuclear weapons Aldermaston march: our “Thoughts” this month will concentrate on aspects of peace. ...

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Thought for today 13.04.20

HERE’S ONE WAY to negotiate a peace deal – which didn’t work. In April, we remember the anti-nuclear weapons Aldermaston march: our “Thoughts” this month will concentrate on aspects of peace. “We gave up some of our country to the ...

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