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Trump says “ban Muslims” in campaign ad

Warning: potentially offensive islamophobic image below. Alas, it seems Donald Trump is slightly cleverer than we thought. The two major parties in the USA, the Democrats and the Republicans, are choosing their candidates for November’s presidential elections. The candidates are ...

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Rats! Back to Mumbai…

The stowaway rat – was it a tourist? going to visit friends in the UK? an aspiring illegal immigrant? a refugee? an economic migrant? lost? – allegedly spotted on the Air India flight on 30th December is not the airline’s ...

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Bangladeshi journalists’ lives at risk

East London newspaper London Bangla has reported that journalists are facing a severe crackdown by the state in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The report states: “Police reports confirm that local journalist Mushfiqur Rahman Tuhin (38) of Kutubpur village at ...

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