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Biggs won’t, but Khan can!

ONE OF THE reasons why Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs decided to explore privatising the Borough’s three remaining day care nurseries was the cost. His former Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, Cllr Rachael Saunders, who resigned from the ...

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First Cabinet Member speaks out on parking

THE VERBAL JOUSTING between Tower Hamlets councillors has hotted up as the Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Amina Ali, has joined in the debate over the current parking consultation. The Council is currently conducting a consultation over parking in zones ...

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Cllr Khales Uddin Ahmed to the rescue?

COUNCILLORS and residents united in questioning new plans from John Bigg to charge more for parking in Tower Hamlets, is it possible that Labour Councillor Khales Uddin Ahmed has come to the rescue? The following letter has been circulating on ...

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