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With their lids wide open, it looks like the bins are calling out for someone to empty them.

Councils prepare for Xmas rubbish collections

EAST LONDON COUNCILS are busy with their annual task of planning when rubbish will be collected from residential areas over the holiday period – and they are already announcing arrangements to dispose of Christmas trees when the festivities are over. Remember to take all decorations off your Christmas tree and remove it from its pot or stand before you put it out or take it for disposal.

Tower Hamlets
With Christmas Day on a Saturday and Boxing Day on a Sunday, the Bank Holidays which fall on these days have been deferred till Monday, 27th and Tuesday, 28th December – giving most workers in the UK a long weekend. However, Tower Hamlets refuse staff will just take Saturday and Sunday off, as usual, and will be back at work on Monday. This means that all residents’ rubbish will be collected on your usual day.  Residents are reminded to put their rubbish out (for kerbside collection) on in their paladins (for estate collection) before 7am on their collection day.
Residents who have a kerbside garden waste collection can put their trees out on the usual collection day at the start of January. Residents who live on estates should contact their landlord, who is responsible for waste collection.

Hackney Council has not made an announcement about residential refuse collection. Residents can leave used Christmas trees outside from 3rd to 14th January on their usual rubbish and recycling collection day. Trees should be at the boundary of your property by 6am, or next to the communal bins on estates (but don’t block access to the bins).  During this period there will be no collection of normal garden waste, so the Council asks residents not to put it out.

It seems that Newham refuse collectors will be taking extra holiday, and collections will take place two days later than the usual days.  A full calendar can be found here:
Christmas tree collections start on 5th January – but residents will have to book a personal collection.  Bookings open on 24th December – but, cunningly, in a boroughwide game of “find out how”, the Council website does not tell you how or where to make the booking.  Good luck, punters.

Barking & Dagenham
Refuse and recycling collections will take place on the usual days of the week between 20th and 31st December.  The Council’s green garden waste collection operates from March to December – and residents have to pay £40 per year per green bin.  But fear not, trees do not have to wait till March to head off to the municipal compost. Residents are asked to take used trees to one of three car parks from 5th to 8th January.
For more information and to check the opening times of Reuse and Recyling Centres, go to:

The Council will collect residential waste on the usual collection day between 24th December and 7th January (and, presumably, for the rest of 2022). Sadly the Council website gives no information on how to dispose of your Christmas tree.

●Read more about it:
Biggs and Blake take time out for rubbish
Biggs makes small concession on rubbish

●Watch East London’s weekly news magazine programme,
live at 10pm every Tuesday and on demand all week:
The Tuesday Show

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