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Celebrating the Cycling feat

Emdad completes Cycle Down Dementia challenge

Muhammad Talha

EMDAD RAHMAN HAS completed a 300 mile cycle challenge to raise awareness of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Research UK.

Dementia is one of our greatest medical challenges with one million people in the UK set to be affected by 2025. With the help of the public, Alzheimer’s Research is leading the fight back.

Emdad signed up for the Cycling Down Dementia campaign to help raise funds and awareness of the condition and has been pedalling hard whiled logging his exploits and escapades on the saddle. He celebrated finishing the final leg at a lunch reception with Sister Christine Frost; service users at Neighbours in Poplar, St Matthias community centre; Moklisur Rahman – and his sponsor, Hunter & Bloomfield Estate Agents.

Sister Christine Frost said, “Dementia is such a huge concern and is a major cause of break ups within families and communities simply because people don’t understand and are not aware. Well done Emdad, and we really applaud the efforts of everyone who works to raise awareness of such a cruel illness.”

Abdul Hamid from Hunter & Bloomfield added, “This is something which is close to our hearts and Emdad is our childhood friend. It has been a pleasure to back the cause.”

Cycling Down Dementia (CDD) is a brand new virtual event from Alzheimer’s Research UK, in which a challenge is set to ride 300 or 1,000 miles between November and January to raise £150 to fund cutting-edge dementia research.

Emdad, who is a regular supporter of Alzheimer’s Research, said, “Naturally, I’m over the moon to have reached my target. I broke it all down into bite size segments and tried to create a story for social media each day. It’s been worth it, and I have had people message to say that they have been inspired to do something similar.

“Others have said that they have a family member who is living with dementia and my cycle blogs have helped educate them and improve their tolerance – for me that is the ultimate achievement in all of this!”

Could you be a Dementia volunteer? Go to:
To watch the Running Down Dementia video, go to:
Video 1
Video 2
To sponsor Emdad, go to:

•Read more about it:
Emdad hits halfway on Cycling Down Dementia challenge
Running Down Dementia as Emdad completes 100k


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