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Johnny Greaves awarded manager’s licence

After 100 professional boxing fights, earning the title of “King of the Journeyman”, East-Ender Johnny Greaves has begun the next chapter of his boxing story. The 36-year-old, who bowed out from the paid ranks with a win over Dan Carr in September 2013, has recently received his manager’s licence from the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBofC).

Greaves has been spending his time out of the ring training the next generation of professional boxers at his home away from home – the Peacock Gym in Canning Town. “It’s the second page of my professional boxing journey,” said Greaves. “The first steps are for me to get established, attract new boxers, and to start putting on my own shows. I’ve been in the Peacock Gym since I was 10-years-old and I’ve rubbed shoulders with a lot of people and managers like Dean Powell.

“I just want to get the best out of my boys. Fighters don’t get paid enough and it’s good for them to have someone like me in their corner, fighting for them. It’ll be nice to make a living from boxing but it would be out of love rather than for money and it’ll be for the good of the fighters.”

Follow Johnny on Twitter at @johnnygreaves

Johnny would like to thank his sponsors and PR Manager Tim Rickson.



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