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Learn to love your park

A NEW INITIATIVE has been set up to encourage London residents to use their parks. Working with the slogan #GoParksLondon, the Campaign to Protect Rural England and the London Friends of Greenspaces Network have come together to popularise parks.

The week of 12th to 22nd July has been designated Love Parks Week and the week 21st to 29th July will be National Park City Week. A new website offers a map of London, which you can use to find your nearest park and see what events are on offer.

Watch out for the free performance at the Victoria Park Bandstand by the WTW KIX Jazz Orchestra. It starts at 2pm and is free, with no booking required.

The website helps you to check out what is going on in your favourite park – but also encourages you to go visit a park you haven’t been to before. If you are interested in a longer term commitment, you can use the website to find your nearest Park Friends Group, where you can work with other park aficionados to promote your park.

The biggest challenge to most parks across London is probably the reduction in funding that most councils have implemented, as a consequence of the cut in central government funding of local councils. Friends groups may want to consider having local protests against this.

For more information, go to:

•Read more about it:
Runners take over Victoria Park
Barking Parkrun welcomes charity runners

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