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CCTV footage captures a speeding car nearly colliding with two young girls, just seconds before it injured two people outside the Mosque.

Man injured in hit and run after prayers

A MAN HAS BEEN left with serious injuries after being struck by a car as he came out of the Masjid At-Taqwa Mosque in Humberstone Road Leicester in the early hours of the morning.

The man, who is in his 40s, was taken to hospital, where he is in a stable condition, by ambulance. A teenage boy was also treated for minor injuries. The driver of the car failed to stop after the accident.

Police believe that the incident was probably an accident and not a deliberate attempt to injure Mosque-goers. The car was caught on CCTV just before the collision – speeding and narrowly missing other pedestrians. However, police are putting a major effort into finding the car and its driver.

Shakeel Waraich witnessed the collision. He told reporters that the same car which had raced down Humberstone Road and collided with the man coming out of the Mosque had, seconds earlier, nearly collided with his own daughters, Saira and Asiyah. The girls managed to pull back just in time, and the car clipped the bag one of them was carrying, missing the two girls.

The Mosque issued the following statement.

Statement from the Masjid At-Taqwa Mosque
Last night after Taraweeh prayers, a member of our congregation was the victim of a hit and run incident in close proximity to the Masjid.
He is currently in critical condition with severe injuries.
We implore everyone to pray to Allah, the Lord of The Worlds, to hasten his full recovery and grant his family patience during this very difficult time.
A full Police investigation has been launched which Masjid At-Taqwa is fully co-operating with.
We remind everyone to remain vigilant at all times and report any incidents or threatening behaviour immediately to the Police.
Say, ‘Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector.’ And upon Allah let the believers rely. (Tawbah, 51)”

Police have asked that anyone who witnessed the car driving erratically before the incident, who saw the incident itself or who has any other information about the incident contact them via 101, quoting incident 19 of 30 May.

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