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Home / Featured / May has hissy fit as Corbyn heads for TV
Jeremy Corbyn is widely thought to have come across much better on his "One Show" interview than Theresa May did at the start of the campaign.

May has hissy fit as Corbyn heads for TV

JEREMY CORBYN has announced that he will be appearing in person on the TV General Election debate to be held this evening. Corbyn had initially indicated that he would not appear on the TV debates, as Theresa May had refused to take part.

Explaining his change of heart, Corbyn said: “I will be taking part in tonight’s debate because I believe we must give people the chance to hear and engage with the leaders of the main parties before they vote. I have never been afraid of a debate in my life. Labour’s campaign has been about taking our policies to people across the country and listening to the concerns of voters.”

Tory Leader Theresa May launched her campaign using the slogan “strong and stable” to describe her Government. Unfortunately, she repeated the phrase to such an extent that it became something of a joke – exploited in various concoctions on the internet. A few days later, May’s U-turn on her flagship policy of making everyone pay for social care at the point of use only made matters worse.

Commented on the Tories’ campaigning style, Jeremy Corbyn said, “The Tories have been conducting a stage-managed arms-length campaign and have treated the public with contempt. Refusing to join me in Cambridge tonight would be another sign of Theresa May’s weakness, not strength.”

The Tory Leader’s team put out a rather tetchy response to Corbyn’s change of heart: “There are no changes to the prime minister’s plans. She is out campaigning today, engaging with voters about the issues that matter, not swapping soundbites with six other politicians. There is a clear choice in this election: either the Brexit negotiations are led by Theresa May 11 days after polling day, or they will be put at risk by Jeremy Corbyn and his coalition of chaos.”

This response comes after a set of polls have shown the Tories’ initial opinion poll lead being whittled away, with the latest YouGov poll even predicting that the Tories could lose their current small overall majority and may need to form another coalition with the Liberal Democrats. It is thought that the Labour team will be concentrating on pointing out that as the gap narrows, all votes will matter in the General Election. They will also be stressing that to remove the austerity Tories from office, voters must back the Labour Party and not risk voting for the Lib-Dems.

Tonight’s debate will be broadcast on BBC1 from 7.30-9pm and livestreamed on Twitter at:

•Read more about it:
Election expenses: Tory double standards
May gives in – she will go on TV


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