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Newham cop gets final written warning

A POLICE CONSTABLE based in Newham has been given a final written warning by a Misconduct Hearing which took place earlier this month.

At the hearing it was alleged that PC Mhamud Hussin’s conduct amounted to a breach of the Metropolitan Police standards of professional behaviour in respect of “equality and diversity”, “authority, respect and courtesy” and “discreditable conduct”.

The disciplinary panel heard that on 13th July 2016, PC Hussin became aware that a member of his extended family had allegedly been assaulted. PC Hussin was off duty when he heard the news. It was alleged that he had sent text messages to his friends and relatives, encouraging them to go to the home of the alleged suspect with a view to confronting the suspect.

The panel heard that PC Hussin did arrive at the alleged suspect’s home, together with a group of friends and/or family members, and that while he was there he behaved in an abusive and intimidating manner. Nearby residents called the police, and when they arrived PC Hussin told them that he was a police officer.

Having heard all the evidence, and having taken into account evidence concerning PC Hussin’s excellent work record, skills and experience, as well as his remorse, the disciplinary panel imposed the final written warning.

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