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Nine arrests in Barking robbery clampdown

A POLICE OPERATION during January, focussed on reducing the incidence of robbery in Barking, saw the Longbridge Neighbourhood Policing Team make nine arrests.

The team sent out enhanced patrols in Barking town centre, Barking Park, the Gascoigne Estate and Faircross Parade. The arrests made were as follows.

One man and one woman were arrested for breach of Crown Court bail conditions in connection with an offence of possession of an illegal substance with intent to supply.

One woman was arrested on an outstanding warrant for failing to appear at court in relation to driving offences.

One man was arrested for obstructing a drugs search and assault on police.

One man was arrested for possession cannabis, obstructing a drugs search and driving without insurance.

One man was arrested for handling stolen goods and obstructing police.

One man was seen in Station Parade, Barking, who was wanted in connection with two burglaries and one robbery. He was arrested and subsequently charged with those offences and an additional charge of fraud.

One man was arrested for going equipped to commit burglary. He was also found to be wanted for burglary. He was subsequently charged with those offences and with an additional six counts of shoplifting [theft].

One man was arrested for failing to appear at court in connection with a driving offence.

One man was arrested in Barking Town Centre for possession with intent to supply Class B drugs and assault on police.

Police officers also issued one warning, two fixed penalties and four community resolutions for possession of cannabis in Barking Park.

Police officers stopped a Mercedes motor vehicle which was carrying five people in Upney Lane. All five were issued with fines for breaching Covid regulations.  The man who was driving has been reported for driving without insurance and without a valid driving licence.

Police Sergeant James Kent of Longbridge Neighbourhood Policing Team said, “While initially aimed at robbery offences, this operation has resulted in the arrest of offenders for a variety of crimes. The police activity has removed a significant number of offenders from the streets of Barking in a relatively short time and this is something that will we repeat whenever the opportunity arises.”

Anyone who has any information about robbery or other crimes is asked to report this to the police via 101.  Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111 and give information anonymously. In an emergency, always phone 999.

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