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Play For Rohingya raises thousands

Emdad Rahman

THE PLAY FOR ROHINGYA tournament held at Newham Leisure Centre to raise money for over half a million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh was a huge success. Sixteen teams fought it out on the pitch to support a hugely important international cause. 

The knockout tournament provided plenty of thrills, spills and – keeping in line with the charitable ethos – the whole event was an amicable one throughout. Players did not allow their blood and thunder approach on the pitch to cast a cloud on the general ambience on what, weather-wise, was a beautiful day. This was a spectacle where the football was played with great camaraderie and respect throughout.

Play For Rohingya was organised to boost the urgent Rohingya appeal made by British charity Human Aid UK. The response was phenomenal, with approximately £10,000 raised from the tournament. The final itself was a thoroughly entertaininge affair in which London Tigers beat Shoreditch FC 3-2 to lift the champion’s trophy.

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Commenting on the day, Zia Rahman from Human Aid UK said, “At Human Aid UK we work in many countries throughout the world to help alleviate suffering. Today is in recognition of everyone who has volunteered to make the day such a success. And the fact that everyone has come together for a common goal really does connect with all of us.”

Tournament organiser Abul Hussain added, “Play For Rohingya was organised in a very short time but the response has been phenomenal. I have learnt so much about people who I thought I knew so well and have found the whole experience simply awe inspiring. I feel blessed that we as a community have contributed to helping a difference in the lives of those who need it the most. Thank you to my fellow volunteers, the teams, the sponsors, and the Inner London Football League for making this happen.”

To donate to Human Aid’s work in supporting the Rohingya, go to:

•Read more about it:
Team Legend team up for Rohingya
Football Veterans unite to support Rohingya


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