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THH offers help with jobs

TOWER HAMLETS HOMES (THH) is the Arms Length Management Company which runs the Council’s housing stock on their behalf.  Like many local social landlords, it is also offering help with finding a job.

Social landlords offering advice on employment is a controversial area. While they would argue that their position gives them a social responsibility to their residents as a community, many residents would argue that social landlords should concentrate on their core function – managing housing stock.

However, it is a widespread practice – and Tower Hamlets Homes is a practised player. It has now teamed up with the East London Business Alliance (ELBA) to recruit Financial Claims Advisors for the Financial Ombudsman Service (see details below).

The Tower Hamlets Homes Financial Health Centre can also offers residents help with financial problems (consultations are currently being done over the phone) and other help with finding work is also available.

●Read more about it:
Biggs keeps homes at arms length shock
Labour backs decent jobs, not fat cats

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