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Thought for today 05.03.20

Shabana Mahmood MP graphically rejects the habit of stereotyping Muslims.

“I’m tired of getting up in the morning and hearing of the latest Muslim plot to take over the school/the city/the world (delete as appropriate); tired of being told that praying five times a day at a mosque is extremist; tired of being treated like being a Muslim is like having some kind of disease (and if you go to Pizza Express you might catch it too, sorry about that). Having a long beard or wearing a niqab may well be religiously conservative but it is not extremist. And there is no evidence that religious conservatism within Islam leads to violence and extremism.”
Shabana Mahmood, Labour MP for Birmingham Ladywood, This Lazy Discussion of Islam and Extremism Is Getting Just a Little Tired in the Huffington Post, August 2014

•Read more about it:
Shabana Mahmood in the Huffington Post
Thought for today
The Thames Today

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