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Tower Hamlets drug pushers jailed: the names and faces

A RECORD SIXTEEN men, almost all from Tower Hamlets, appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court last Friday – and they were all sent to jail for supplying a range of illegal drugs within East London.

The men were arrested on various dates in June and July as a result of “Operation Continuum”, a fourth month surveillance operation aimed at tackling drug supply – and the resulting violence and anti-social behaviour – in and around Whitechapel.

Operation Continuum has led to 49 people being charged over the last two months after raids involving over 300 police officers from Tower Hamlets, the Territorial Support Group and the Metropolitan Police Dog Unit. Over 50 homes have been searched – producing a haul of over £60,000 in cash, over half a kilo of Class A drugs and four stun-guns.

Detective Chief Inspector Mike Hamer, Tower Hamlets Crime, Gangs and Drugs lead, said, “Sixteen men have received a total of more than 49 years in prison in today’s hearings alone. […]  They were all linked to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin and putting them in jail will severely disrupt the supply of drugs in the area.” Operation Continuum is continuing, and DCI Hamer called on the community to continue to pass on information to assist the police.

Those sentenced last week are as follows.

Habibur Rahman 17 AUGHabibur Rahman, 22, of Swaton Road, was sentenced to two years ten months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.

Miah Raja 17 AUGRaja Miah, 23, of Trafalgar Gardens, was sentenced to three years and nine months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin

Jamile Hussain 17 AUGJamile Hussain, 24, of Shadwell Garden, was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.

Oliur Rahmah 17 AUGOliur Rahman, 23, of Chapman Street, was sentenced to three years and nine months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin, possession to supply crack cocaine and heroin and the possession of criminal property.

Uddin Rakib 17 AUGRakib Uddin, 19, of Robert Sutton House, Tarling Street, was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and the supply of heroin.

Soliman Rabie, 18, of Hoover Tower, was sentenced to four years and eight months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin and dangerous driving.

Abu Taher Siddiki, 24, of Galsworthy Avenue, was sentenced to two years and ten months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine, the supply of heroin and possession of criminal property.

Rohel AhmedRohel Ahmed, 31, of Azov House, Commodore Street, was sentenced to three years and nine months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and the supply of heroin.

Imthiaz Islam 17 AUGImthiaz Islam, 21, of Beccles Street, was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 8th June to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.

Mohammed Ahmed 17 AUGMohammed Ahmed, 25, of Bacon Street, was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to two counts of the supply of crack cocaine and heroin and possession of criminal property.

Rashiq Uddin, 26, of Hazledene Road, Ilford was sentenced to three years and one month’s imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine.

Enamur Rahman 17 AUGEnamur Rahman, 22, of Brecon House, Ordell Road, was sentenced to three years and one month’s imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and the supply of heroin.

Mohammed Mohibur Rahman 17 AUGMohammed Mohibur Rahman, 22, of St Paul’s Way, was sentenced to two years and six months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.

Ahmadur Rahman 17 AUGAhmadur Rahman, 21, of no fixed address, was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 5th July to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.

Abdul Aziz, 39, of Miah Terrace, was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 10th July to the supply of crack cocaine and the supply of heroin.

Akbor Hussain 17 AUGAkbor Hussain, 24, of Halley Street, was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 11th July to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.

Four males arrested as part of Operation Continuum had already been sentenced.

A 16-year-old boy was sentenced to twelve months’ detention at Stratford Youth Court on 28th June after pleading guilty to the supply of crack cocaine and to the supply of heroin.

A 15-year-old boy was given a 12 months’ supervision order at Stratford Youth Court on 26th July after pleading guilty on the same day to the supply of cocaine.

Adbul Hasnath, 42, of no fixed address, was sentenced to seven years and six months’ imprisonment on 16th August after pleading guilty on 26th July to the supply of heroin and crack cocaine and possession of criminal property. He was found not guilty of possession with intent to supply crack cocaine – this will lie on file.

A 17-year-old boy was sentenced to a 12 month intensive referral order on 16th August at Thames Magistrates’ Court after pleading guilty on the same day to three counts of supplying crack cocaine and three counts of supplying heroin.

A further 14 men who pleaded guilty last month are due to appear at Snaresbrook Crown Court on 23rd August for sentencing.

Three other men arrested as part of Operation Continuum are due to appear in Court on future dates.

Atefur Rahman, 18, of Beadnell House, Cable Street, is due to be sentenced on 27th September after pleading guilty on 14th June to the supply of crack cocaine and the supply of heroin.

Mohammed Sherwaan Chowdhury, 18, of Sidney Street, is due to be sentenced on 27th September after pleading guilty on 8th June to the supply of crack cocaine, the supply of heroin and possession of criminal property.

Muhammed Ali Hassan, 25, of no fixed address was arrested and charged on 17th July with the supply of crack cocaine and heroin. He appeared at Thames Magistrates’ Court and has been bailed to appear on a future date for a pre-trial hearing

A further eleven men pleaded not guilty to drug offences and have been remanded in custody to appear for trial later in the year.

•Read more about it:
Teen stabbed in Bow: witnesses wanted
Vicious burglary in Tower Hamlets: suspects sought


  1. Good luck in prison boys. Finally some filth taken off our streets!

  2. In prison they’ll meet more criminals and on release pose an even greater threat to society.

  3. Stepney massive massive posse ow ow

    Yo ows don’t worry row ow you’ll be out in no time ow

  4. Tower hamlets should start evicting the households where they lived as they have the powers.

  5. Very good news

  6. 247 365 line ting

    Free the guys light birds be home soon!!!

  7. Stepney massive massive posse ow ow

    Yo free the Mandem … ow . Tong po siranud Mei lings fond [Offensive (sexist) language removed – Ed.] . Ow that’s savage .

  8. Soileh Meh-Ertugul

    I want to ruwel you some trut

  9. Noiyan-or baicha

    Arrrhh fiery boys… Ignoble degenerates Ahh… Not clever boys… The arrow has left the bow (not Bromley by bow)

  10. Life destroying [Offensive (racist) language removed – Ed.] get jail sentences, this is brilliant. Look at the state of [Offensive language removed – Ed.]. [Offensive (homophobic) language removed – Ed.]
    [Offensive (racist) language removed – Ed.]

  11. these boyz should not be put behind bars. but beaten up.
    I feel sorry for the parents.

  12. Khomzaath bastor okhol ruining people’s lives and families. [Offensive (homophobic) language removed – Ed.] Stepney pusio shworor fuwain

  13. Bandir fuwain

  14. Bala heta baidi borbo Barry khala dekha di

  15. [Offensive (homophobic) language removed – Ed.] They call themselves Muslims? [Offensive (homophobic) language removed – Ed.] They sold me Heroin but it was half baby powder [Offensive language removed – Ed.]

  16. Anas looks like Kishor Palash

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