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Cllr Kabir Ahmed guests on The Tuesday Show tonight

TONIGHT residents and electors of Tower Hamlets can meet the new Aspire councillor – Kabir Ahmed, who was elected to represent Weavers Ward last Thursday, 12th August.

Cllr Ahmed will be the studio guest on this week’s The Tuesday Show on the VodTalk Facebook page. The show is broadcast live from 10-11pm and is then available on the same Facebook page to view on demand.

Cllr Ahmed will talk about the theme that united voters and opposition parties in that by-election: the widespread feeling that the Labour Administration – and, in particular, Executive Mayor John Biggs – are not listening to local residents. Why did Aspire believe that local feelings had reached the point at which they had to stand a candidate for the Council? And what will the new councillor do to make those views felt in the Town Hall?

The Tuesday Show
TONIGHT: 10pm, Tuesday, 17th August 2021
Studio Guest: Cllr Kabir Ahmed, Weavers Ward
Watch live or on demand on: VodTalk Facebook page
Ring into the studio on 0208-1234507

Although the by-election was in Weavers ward, concerns about the Labour Administration are rife across the borough – particularly with Labour’s programme of street closures in residential areas. Viewers from across Tower Hamlets – and beyond – are welcome to ring into the studio and speak to Cllr Ahmed direct.

●Watch Cllr Kabir Ahmed discuss his by-election victory on The Tuesday Show:
Winning in Weavers

●Read more about it:
Is that a bit of egg on your chin, Mr Biggs?
Councillor candidate bludgeoned on campaign trail

●Watch East London’s weekly news magazine programme,
live at 10pm every Tuesday and on demand all week:
The Tuesday Show

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