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SEND Day raises awareness

Emdad Rahman

A SEND Awareness Day was recently organised by Memory Kampiyawo (SENCO, Langdon Park School), Clare Barker (Speech and Language Therapist) and Athina Stamou (Phoenix Outreach). 

The aim of the day was to bring awareness to parents of some of the different services and support available to them as parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), as well as to increase communication with parents.  The event also provided an opportunity for agencies to learn more about each other.

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Agencies who joined in the day were DLR Community Ambassadors, Tower Hamlets Travel Training, the Parents Advice Centre, the Young People’s Advice Centre, CAMHS and the Tower Project.

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Representatives were available to chat with parents and provide information.  In addition, Athina Stamou from the Phoenix Outreach led a group discussion with parents about supporting students with SEND during puberty.

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It is hoped that the success of the event will help foster better relationships and engagements with even more parents and carers next time.

•Read more about it:
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