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Chicksand community drives its own change

FAMILIES, CHILDREN and local residents from the Chicksand Estate in Tower Hamlets have taken part in an Easter celebration which culminated in the installation of a large community mural.

The event – organised by The Young Foundation, a charity whose mission is to develop better connected and more sustainable communities across the UK – was attended by over 150 people from the immediate area. The celebration forms part of The Young Foundation’s Communities Driving Change project, supporting local residents to work together to improve health and wellbeing in Bethnal Green.

Alongside the creation of the new community mural, residents took part in a variety of arts and crafts activities – including sharing lunch on this special day. The event was organised by local people including the tenants and residents associations, local children, families and members of the Communities Driving Change advisory group.

This family event shines a light on the strengths of local community activities – and challenges local stereotypes including drug use and anti-social behaviour.

The mural’s inspirational message – “More Life Goals, Less Lost Souls” – was painted by local artists from the charities Trapped in Zone One and Art Against Knives, working alongside young people from the area. It’s all part of the latest Communities Driving Changing initiative called #PositiveType.

•Bablu from local arts collective Trapped in Zone One said: “The event was great, this was the exact reason we painted the wall, we want young people and locals to be proud of our community and engage in the arts.”

Nazma, a local parent who was present as a volunteer from the Communities Driving Change project, was delighted with the progress. “Today was a great day,” she said. “A special thank you from my boys, they absolutely loved the opportunity to spray paint the wall. It was a new experience for them which they will always cherish, especially when we walk past we can be proud of their contribution to the art.’’

Iqbal, a local resident and manager of the Micro Business Park, said, “The Ghat has been an iconic place ever since the migration of Bangladeshis to this area. Activities in and around the area have decreased significantly, so it’s really nice to see the place being brought back to life. I will always support any projects that brings more community engagement as it’s a place very dear to local hearts.”

This Easter Celebration was the fourth in a series of activities and community collaborations delivered by The Young Foundation as part of the Communities Driving Change project, funded by Tower Hamlets Council and delivered in partnership with Real, a charity which employs and supports people with a disability.

If you would like to get involved in the project or would like to find out more information, contact Shahaveer Shubo Hussain on:
or go to The Young Foundation website:

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One comment

  1. Its about time!

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