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Leyton Orient host mental health awareness day

Muhammad Talha

THE LEYTON ORIENT TRUST – in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society, Dementia Action Alliance, Fans for Diversity and Kick It Out – hosted a Mental Health Awareness Day at Brisbane Road on the day of Orient’s home game against Macclesfield Town.

Dementia Friends Peggy Ennis & Emdad Rahman

Dementia Friends Peggy Ennis & Emdad Rahman

Part of the proceedings for the day saw Club Captain Charlie Lee join staff and stewards to participate in a Dementia Friends information session, which was jointly delivered by Peggy Ennis and Emdad Rahman – both of whom are Dementia Friends champions.

The interactive session helped staff to understand more about dementia and think about the small things that they can do to make a difference to people affected by dementia in the community and at the stadium.

Leyton Orient Trust also provided free tickets to the match for those living with dementia and their carer. The guests had the opportunity to use The Hub before, during and after the match. The Hub has been created by Fans for Diversity with Leyton Orient to provide a supportive match day experience for fans from all areas of the community to access and enjoy watching Leyton Orient.

Phillip Smith, Head of Health and Wellbeing at the Leyton Orient Trust, said, “Following on from the success of the Mental Health Awareness Day last year, we were keen to promote and raise awareness again. We’re proud to be supporting those who experience mental health problems it is a very important part of our work here at the Trust. Alongside the range of programmes we are delivering on a weekly basis across East London, we hope that the free tickets to the Orient match will be a good opportunity for those living with dementia to enjoy a day out with their family, friends or carer.”

Club captain Charlie Lee with Dementia Friends Champion Emdad Rahman

Club captain Charlie Lee with Dementia Friends Champion Emdad Rahman

David Morris, Operations Manager for North East London at the Alzheimer’s Society, said, “We’re so grateful to Leyton Orient Trust and Leyton Orient FC for helping us raising awareness of dementia. Saturday’s match helps to reduce the stigma surrounding dementia as we get people talking about the condition. Life doesn’t have to end when dementia begins. People living with the condition should be supported to continue doing the things they love, like watching their favourite football team live at the stadium! With 72,000 people in London living with dementia, it’s everyone’s responsibility to learn how the condition can affect individuals.”

Fiona Cronin, Chair of Waltham Forest Dementia Action Alliance, said, “Leyton Orient Trust has been a key player in the Waltham Forest Dementia Action Alliance. The DAA is a group of local businesses and community groups working together to make our borough a welcoming and accessible place for people with dementia and their carers. Leyton Orient Trust is working tirelessly to support people affected by dementia in our borough. They have a fantastic sporting memories initiative and host health awareness matches too. Leyton Orient really is an excellent example of how football clubs can be at the heart of their communities, bringing people together for a good cause.”

Anwar Uddin, Lead on the Fans For Diversity campaign, said, “We’re pleased to be supporting the Mental Health Awareness Day at Leyton Orient, through the use of the Fans For Diversity Hub. The fantastic thing about the Hub is that it provides the opportunity for community groups, from across the four boroughs that Leyton Orient Trust operate in, to experience and enjoy professional football in a safe and comfortable environment. It’s great that we can also partner with Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia Action Alliance, and we hope it is an insightful and enjoyable day for all involved.”

If you would like more information about Dementia Friends or to help people with Alzheimer’s to access a football match, please contact:

Read more about it:
Fans get a chance to play with Orient legends
Running Down Dementia as Emdad completes 100k


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